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A message of hope, from sisters Amy and Carmen:

"Jacob is still very much a part of our families. Our investigation lasted nearly 27 years. Ultimately, we were able to bring him home, give him a proper burial, and honor him with a celebration of his short life. We guess we are grateful that we have our answers, and we were able to close the investigation. However, we wouldn't say we have 'closure'. Jacob's abduction and murder still impact us every day. 

Jacob also inspires us every day. He believed in a fair and just world, a world where all children know they are special and deserve to be safe. He believed that people were good. And that family was important. He was full of energy and life. And he lived his life centered around 11 simple traits. To this day our entire family centers our lives around the 11 simple traits that he valued: 1. Be fair, 2. Be kind, 3. Be understanding, 4. Be honest, 5. Be thankful, 6. Be a good sport, 7. Be a good friend, 8. Be joyful, 9. Be generous, 10. Be gentle with others, and 11. Be positive."

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