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A message of hope from Kimber:

“It is important to know that there is hope. Not just hope to get your sibling back, or to have answers, but hope for life. Living with a missing sibling, no matter the situation or outcome, is difficult. Acceptance is key for having hope. Your experience is yours only. You are different from most others. You are even different from those who also have a missing sibling. That is okay. You are allowed to accept, love, and value yourself, and you are allowed to expect that from others. Trauma experiences do not make you less. Different is not bad.

Life is still worth living after trauma. There can still be beauty, happiness, thriving, and growing. It is okay to have hope for these things. Your sibling wants that for you. I want that for you because I know this type of trauma leaves a mark. I have learned that I want to take that and make it something beautiful, and to me there is nothing more beautiful than helping others in a unique way that not everyone can. Remember that hope can mean many things, and that you are capable and allowed to have it.”

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