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The Sibling Guide

Coming Soon:

The AMBER Alert Training and Technical Assistance Program, as guided by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, is currently finalizing the forthcoming publication for release in Summer 2024 What About Me: Finding your path forward when your brother or sister is missing.” The Guide was originally published in 2007 under the title “What About Me: Coping with the abduction of a brother or sister.” 

What to expect:

This 2nd edition provides new insights, suggestions, and thoughts for coping with a missing sibling, regardless of the circumstances surrounding their disappearance. Contributors to the updated guide include several original authors as well as new sibling contributors whose brother or sister were abducted internationally, were lured away, or who have been missing for decades. 

The Guide’s style offers a conversational experience between eight siblings and the reader who may be going through the same or similar circumstances surrounding a missing brother or sister. Its sections focus on self-care, mental health, family dynamics, personal and family routines, holidays and anniversaries, law enforcement, traditional and social media, questions and answers, and the court and judicial process; and each contains specific action items to help siblings navigate through this unchartered territory. 

The contributors offer their thoughts and suggestions on what to expect, how to cope, and how to find a ‘new normal’ in life.  They suggest ways to manage the intense feelings and emotions that accompany the absence of a brother or sister, discuss their different circumstances, and offer suggestions for how to deal with difficulties that might arise.  

Pending approval from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs

Sibling Survival Guide Cover